Wednesday 6 February 2013

Hobby turning into Passion

Hobby and Passion are two very different things. Hobbies are those activities which you do for relaxation and joy. But passion is something that always keeps running in your mind.
You forget everything. You forget your duties, your exams, submissions and everything around you once you get into your Passion. Your passion will make you late for your work. I have suffered. I don't feel its interesting to capture things that are ready for you. I make my own way.
I love experimenting new things and representing things in such a way that very few people get to figure out how it was done. I am still learning. No photograph is my best photograph yet.. because my best photo will be the one I will capture tomorrow.

Water coming out with this pressure.. this must be result of some bombarding.

I don't use Photoshop.

Damn!! I don't see where the hell is bloody photographer, he was supposed to be in-front of glass

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