Specially Beginner's should reset their camera each time they use it. Most of the time it is found that beginner's face problem and they get stuck-up with minor setting change and continue using camera with poor settings. So as to avoid this problem develop the habit of resetting your camera after every use and vary the setting as per the requirement.
 If you are facing problem with terms used below then refer User Manual of your camera.

1. Image quality: High (L) i.e at maximum pixels

2. In case of point and shoot camera turn off "Digital Zoom"
3. Rotate all - OFF (optional) 
4. Focusing mode: One shot
5. Metering: 
    Canon users- Evaluative metering
    Nikon users- Matrix metering
6. Optimize Image / Picture Style: Standard
7. White Balance: Auto / Daylight
8. Exposure mode / Dial mode: Program (P)
9. AF (Auto Focus): Centre
10. ISO: 100
11. Format memory card (Optional)


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